Our registered 501(c)(3) organization is membership-driven, so becoming a member helps us budget, plan, and continue our work at the LRCA and our affiliate land trust organization, the Lackawanna Valley Conservancy (LVC).
Your membership contribution is tax-deductible. We will send you an email or renewal letter annually.
We encourage you to start or renew your membership online. You have many options for online membership contributions:
To start or renew your Membership by mail and pay with cash or check, please send your payment to us at P.O. Box 368, Scranton, PA 18501. Make checks payable to LRCA. Please print and mail form below.
We also accept pledges, and you can set up automatic bank drafts with your bank.
If your mailing to our P.O. Box was returned, please call us at (570)347-6311 or email at lrca@lrca.org. Thank you!