Since 1987, the LRCA has been researching the Lackawanna River and its Watershed. We have developed numerous plans, documents, and assessments on various watershed-related topics. We have since published a variety of guidebooks and handbooks, which provide useful information on water and habitat quality, water resource stewardship, and recreation. Available for download below are digital editions of more recent publications.
The River and its watershed are very dynamic. As we develop more sections of the trail, greenway system, and river access points, some of the information in older guide books becomes obsolete. We intend to update the information as time and funding will allow.
If you are looking for the most recent access information to the trail system along the Lackawanna River, we recommend visiting the following two websites:
1. The Lackawanna Heritage Valley National and State Heritage Area, - for information on the Lackawanna River Heritage Trail between Carbondale and Scranton
2. Rail-Trail Council of Northeast Pennsylvania, - for details on the D&H trail between Carbondale and Lanesboro.
We are interested in hearing from individuals who are researching the Lackawanna Watershed region. We welcome your comments and questions regarding the documents on this page. You may direct your inquiries to
If your mailing to our P.O. Box was returned, please call us at (570)347-6311 or email at Thank you!